Lab & Facilities

Accurate Insights With Latest Technology Driven Equipment

CCBC Nigeria Testing Center advanced laboratory facilities are equipped with the latest technology and precision. Manned by a team of skilled experts, making us your go-to partner for accurate and comprehensive mineral analysis. Whether you are interested in inspection, verification, analysis and testing services, we have the capabilities to meet all your testing needs.

Our Facilitates

CCBC Nigeria Testing Centre parades an array advance and high capacity equipment driven by latest technologies to guaranty precision and accuracy in our testing and laboratory service delivery.

Through these equipment and facilities in conjunction with our competent team, we provide comprehensive and accurate evaluations of mineral samples. The data obtained from these analyses helps stakeholders make informed decisions on operation, compliance and production. In addition, you are able to optimize mineral processing, and maximize the economic potential of mineral resources while ensuring environmental sustainability.

We have high capacity equipment such as:

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzer: The XRF analyzer is a critical tool used by solid mineral testing companies to determine the elemental composition of mineral samples quickly and non-destructively. It utilizes X-ray radiation to excite the atoms in the sample, causing them to emit characteristic fluorescent X-rays, which are then analyzed to identify and quantify the elements present.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS): ICP-MS is another powerful instrument used in solid mineral testing to measure trace elements and isotopes accurately. It operates by ionizing the sample in an inductively coupled plasma source and then detecting the mass-to-charge ratio of the ions, allowing precise elemental analysis.

Optical Microscope: An optical microscope is an essential tool for mineralogical examination. It enables geologists and mineralogists to observe and identify minerals based on their crystal structures, color, cleavage, and other optical properties.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): SEM is used to obtain high-resolution images of mineral samples and provides detailed information about their surface morphology and elemental composition through electron beam interactions.

Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) and Thermo-gravimetric Analyzer (TGA): DTA and TGA instruments are utilized to study the thermal behavior of solid minerals, such as phase transitions, decomposition, and thermal stability, by measuring temperature changes and weight loss during heating.

Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) System: The XRD system is employed to analyze the crystal structure of minerals, helping in their identification and providing information on mineral composition and crystallinity.

Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR): FTIR is used to identify and analyze minerals based on their unique infrared absorption spectra, allowing the determination of functional groups and molecular bonds present in the sample.

Crushing and Grinding Equipment: Crushing and grinding machines are employed to reduce mineral samples to a suitable particle size for further analysis, ensuring representative sampling and accurate results.

Acid Digestion System: This equipment is used to dissolve mineral samples in acid to extract and analyze specific elements of interest.

Density and Specific Gravity Measurement Devices: These devices are used to determine the density and specific gravity of minerals, which provide valuable information about their composition and purity.

Do You Still Have Questions Regarding Our Services?

Discover valuable insights and make informed decision about your minerals, metals, and regulatory compliance requirements with precision and accuracy. Get the result that matters!